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Video Graphy

(Date Created:07-Feb-2020)

3 Reel Studio Wedding Videographer Videography

Eddie Lee Moving Pictures is celebrating our 6th anniversary and in conjunction with our big birthday we announce the arrival of our new image – 3 Reel Studio.

3 Reel Studio is made up of a group of fun, energetic and creative visual artists who believe that moments are only truly captured if its on video and masterpieces can only be made by true visual artists.

We've been called many names thru the years from videographers, cinematographers, video producers, short film makers and video directors.

But in essence, we are here, humbly, to capture, film and document your event with enthusiasm and to give you memories that last a lifetime.

Calendar Date Post: 14-Oct-2013    Pages: video graphy

3 Reel Studio Wedding Videographer Videography
3 Reel Studio Wedding Videographer Videography

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