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Tour Agency

(Date Created:07-Feb-2020)

Borneo Travel Ventures

Borneo Travel specializes in tours, excursions and activities focused on the Malaysian states of Sarawak & Sabah on the island of Borneo. We also offer tours to the Sultanate of Brunei. We are one of Malaysia’s most established inbound tour operators and offer a range of over 100 small group or individual tours of Borneo to choose from.

Borneo Travel was established to offer a traveller’s alternative to mass tourism. Placing emphasis on the natural environment, culture and history, Borneo Adventure has established a reputation for innovative and informative tours. Since 1987 our team has provided a highly personalized service which puts visitors in touch with the people and the land.

We show sights that most tourists do not get to see and are eager to share our knowledge of the cultures and customs of the more than sixty different ethnic groups living in Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei. Each of our tours has been carefully planned to ensure the best combination of activities and places of interest. We constantly strive to exceed our clients’ expectations and deliver quality tours, services and travel experiences.

Our guides are the key to the whole Borneo travel experience and we are proud to have some of the best in the industry. They have been chosen for their enthusiasm, as well as their knowledge of the local culture, the rainforest and its wildlife. Our staff guides are supplemented by experts (e.g. ecologists, anthropologists, etc.) who assist on specialised study tours requiring in-depth information.

Borneo Travel believes in integrity of service, the sustainability of tourism products; and providing appropriate returns to our local communities. Our commitment to the principles of conservation and our work with local communities have been acknowledged internationally and well received by our many clients.

Whether it is an upriver trip for two, or an incentive party of two hundred in a traditional longhouse, the vast and cumulative experience of our team will ensure that your adventure in Borneo is unforgettable.

Calendar Date Post: 03-Sep-2019    Pages: tour agency

Borneo Travel Ventures
Borneo Travel Ventures

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Tel: 04-2281031

60 Persiaran Midlands, 10250 Penang, Malaysia
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