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unipipes (m) Sdn Bhd

Unipipes (M) Sdn Bhd, incorporated on 30 Aug 1979, is a leading one-stop injection house and supplier of thermo-plastic component in the northern region of Malaysia.

Our rapid growth since 1984 was the result of a strong need to equip ourselves with the latest technology and knowledge to excel in this industry and to meet the demanding requirement of the Audio-Visual Electronics, IT, Multimedia, Telecommunications, Consumer Appliance and Toy industries. Our commitment to continuous improvement has rewarded us with the prestigious ISO9002-1994 certification from SGS-Yarsley International in 1999 to prepare us to meet the ever-increasing demands of the new millennium and in April 2018 upgraded to the ISO9001:2015 International Standards.

Our modern plant located in the Prai Industrial Estate is a qualified UL manufacturer of plastic parts, combined with experienced workforce, modern and sophisticated computerized machinery and special services will definitely delight our customers in the following areas:

Calendar Date Post: 09-Aug-2019    Pages: plastic moulding

Website Visit Website Send Message
Phone number Tel: +6043903816

AddressLot 489, Lorong Perusahaan Baru Dua, Prai Industrial Estate, 13600 Prai, Penang, Malaysia

unipipes (m) Sdn Bhd

Unipipes (M) Sdn Bhd, incorporated on 30 Aug 1979, is a leading one-stop injection house and supplier of thermo-plastic component in the northern region of Malaysia.

Our rapid growth since 1984 was the result of a strong need to equip ourselves with the latest technology and knowledge to excel in this industry and to meet the demanding requirement of the Audio-Visual Electronics, IT, Multimedia, Telecommunications, Consumer Appliance and Toy industries. Our commitment to continuous improvement has rewarded us with the prestigious ISO9002-1994 certification from SGS-Yarsley International in 1999 to prepare us to meet the ever-increasing demands of the new millennium and in April 2018 upgraded to the ISO9001:2015 International Standards.

Calendar Date Post: 02-Aug-2019    Pages: plastic moulding

Website Visit Website Send Message
Phone number Tel: 043903816

AddressLot 489, Lorong Perusahaan Baru Dua, Prai Industrial Estate, 13600 Prai, Penang, Malaysia

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